12 December 2024
This memorandum serves as a reminder for all permanent employees to apply for the phone allowance of R180 per month. The cell phone allowance is designed to ensure that all staff members are reachable and available during working hours, facilitating smooth and effective communication across the company.
The R180 allowance is provided to cover the cost of airtime and data for work-related
communications. Please ensure it is used strictly for official purposes, in line with the cell
phone allowance application contract.
When receiving the R180 Cell phone allowance:
1. It is your responsibility to obtain and maintain a smartphone with sufficient airtime
and data to communicate within the company.
2. It is your responsibility to ensure you can access current and future company
applications on your smartphone. This includes, but is not limited to, TMS, Staff Portal,
tombstone catalogues, and ERS Biometrics.
3. Employees in key and/or responsible roles are required to apply for this allowance,
and ensure that the application is verified and approved, as it is essential for fulfilling
their duties. https://form.jotform.com/212852000053540
4. Staff in these roles must be reachable at all times during working hours and may not
ignore work-related calls without reasonable cause.
Thank you for your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines, ensuring effective and
professional communication within our team.
Best regards,
Marietha Hall
HR Admin Manager
Wisani & NLA
Download this memo here: