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SOP : Payment Query Procedure

26 January 2024



● Log in to the Staff Portal to access the Query form as follows:

1. “Operations”

2. “Forms”

3. “e-Payroll Query”

● Queries must be submitted within 14 days of receipt of payslip via email.

● Queries submitted via Whatsapp, email, or verbally will not be accepted or attended to. ● Employees who do not have access to the Staff Portal, should go to their supervisor/manager to assist them in completing an online Query Form.

1.1. Complete Employee Details

● Select the company for which you work (Wisani or NLA)

● Name AND Surname (example, John Doe)

● Employee number (example, DOE001) o This is the company assigned employee number, not a contact number

● Branch (example, Tzaneen)

● Department (example, Driver)

● Email address (example,

o This email address needs to belong to the employee and the employee should

have access to the email address as this is where correspondence regarding the

query will be sent to.

● Cell Number (example, 0856548563)

1.2. Complete Query Details

● Query details o Describe the reason why a query form is being completed. As much detail as possible should be given to follow up on the query more easily.

o Example 1: “I worked for 3 funerals, but only received payment for 2 of them” o

Example 2: “I joined 9 new clients and received commission, but did not receive any performance bonus”

● Summary of work done

o Complete which work was done during which week of the Payroll cycle. This is to

be completed in the case of funeral payments that are short or part-time work that

was performed by part-time employees.

o For funerals that are being queried, the correct dates should be provided for each

week of the Payroll cycle.

o Provide as much detail as possible in order to assist the Payroll department in

following up on the query as fast as possible. This can include, for instance, RA

numbers, licence plate numbers of vehicles that were driven, etc.

● Weekdays worked

o This section is to be completed by Part-time employees who worked at branches,

at the Plot, or assisted in any way other than funerals.

o The number of days, as well as the work that was done, should be completed.

● Other

o This section should be completed where any other query or request is needed

from the Payroll department. This includes, for example, requesting a payslip to be

emailed to the employee.

o This section can also be used to provide additional information on the query that

was completed in the above sections.

1.3. Document Upload

● Any supporting document to a query should be uploaded here. This assists the Payroll Department in resolving queries quicker.


● The Payroll Department will investigate the query and look for any differences between payment that was claimed and the actual payment that was made.

● Feedback to be given to the employee by the Payroll department on the query within reasonable time.


● The second Payroll release will be finalized before the last day of the month.

● If a query was submitted and resolved before the second Payroll release, the outstanding amount, if any, will be paid along with the second Payroll release.

● If a query was not submitted and resolved before the second Payroll release date due to circumstances beyond the control of the Payroll department, the outstanding amount, if any, will be loaded as “Backpay” on the employee’s payslip for payment in the following month.

Compiled by: Daniëlle Venter (Payroll Manager)

Checked by: Freek Engelbrecht (HR Manager)

Approved by: Maatje Venter (Director)


HR Department

Wisani & NLA


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