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SOP : Mortuary/Driver: Dressing of Corpse

04 March 2024



Procedure to follow when preparing a corpse for placement in a coffin before delivery to family/funeral.


1. Confirm body code, name and surname and coffin to be used according to the Funeral Schedule & Mortuary Fridge Book.

2. Get the correct coffin and move it to the designated preparation/dressing area.

3. Confirm from mortuary assistant if clothes for corps has been handed in:

a. If clothes are available – collect and place with coffin;

b. Remove the shroud from the coffin and place it next to the coffin or with clothes.

4. Put on gloves, mask, eye protection and protective coat before starting.

5. Open the fridge and push the trolley inside.

6. Identify corps via “toe tags” on both head and foot end with body code, name and surname you retrieved from the Funeral Schedule.

7. Load corps onto the trolley and push it out of the fridge to the dressing/preparation area.

8. Take off “toe tags” and fasten to coffin handles.

9. Prepare the inside of the coffin ensuring that it’s neat and tidy.

10. Open the plastic body bag and inspect the corpse for any blood, body fluids or dirt. a. If the body is dirty again from blood, oozing body fluids etc, ensure to wash the corpse again according to the Storage of Corpse. (See SOP-MOR-3 – Off loading and storage of corps points 7 – 11)

11. If/when the body is clean and ready to be dressed, remove clothes from the bag and dress the corpse - always showing utmost respect towards the corpse.

12. After the corpse is dressed, place the corpse inside the coffin with the plastic body bag, ensuring that the head of the corpse is in a comfortable and natural resting position. a. If no clothes were provided by the family, place the corpse in the coffin and cover the body with a plastic body bag.

13. Ensure that corpse' eyes and mouth are closed in a natural looking way.

14. Ensure that no blood or body fluid is oozing from the eyes, ears or mouth.

a. If blood/body fluid is oozing from your nose or ears, insert cotton plugs in such a way that it is not visible.

b. If the mouth was not stitched after pick up and is not staying closed, close the mouth by stitching it together on the inside (This step should be done originally when the corpse is cleaned after pick up was done).

15. Fold plastic bodybag over legs and use a staple gun to staple the body bag to the inside of the coffin to ensure stability of the corpse inside the coffin when transported/moved.

16. Place shroud over body and staple sides of shroud to top end of the coffin sides to form a tight cover over the corpse.

17. Check that the head and face is neat and clean and in a natural position again.

18. Place the lid of the coffin on top and secure it with fasteners provided.

19. Dust/wipe any dirt off outside of the coffin, spray with wood cleaner and clean properly.

20. Remove mask, gloves protective eyewear and protective coat and move coffin to designated area to stay for loading and delivery to funeral according to SOP-MOR-4 - Delivery Of Corpse For Funeral Or To Family Home)


Marietha Hall

HR Department

Wisani & NLA


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