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SOP : Leave Application Procedure

26 January 2024



● Permission to take leave must be obtained from a manager or supervisor before an application form may be completed.


● Log in to the Staff Portal to access the Leave Application form as follows:

1. “Operations”

2. “Forms”

3. “e-Leave Application”

● Complete a leave application form well in advance of taking leave

o Minimum of 7 days in advance for short or occasional leave (leave less than 1


o Minimum of 30 days in advance for long or annual leave (leave more than 1


● The Payroll Department may reject a leave application that was not received in advance to the actual leave being taken.

2.1. Employee Details

● Select the company for which you work (Wisani or NLA)

● All fields of the personal details need to be filled in completely and correctly

o Name AND Surname (example, John Doe)

o Employee number (example, DOE001)

▪ This is the company assigned employee number, not a contact number

o Department (example, Data Capturer)

o Line/Branch (example, Head Office)

o Cell Number (example, 082 088 0055)

▪ This needs to be a contact number that belongs to the employee

o Email address (example,

▪ This needs to be an email address that belongs to the employee, since the outcome of the application will be sent to this email address automatically)

2.2. Leave Details

● All fields are to be filled in completely and correctly

o Type of leave (1)

▪ Select from the drop-down menu

● Annual leave is to be selected for planned leave that is taken to rest

from work and normal duties

● Compassionate leave is to be selected when a direct family member

passed away

● Sick leave is to be selected when the employee him/herself is booked

off by a medical practitioner and not fit for work. This cannot be selected

when a child or family member is sick, and the employee has to take them to the clinic/doctor

● Maternity/Paternity leave must be selected when a baby was born and

the mother or father needs to take time off. This can also be selected

when an employee has legally adopted a child and will then be put

through as Adoption Leave. Maternity/Paternity leave will be unpaid and

the employee must claim UIF for the period that they will be off. UIF forms

must be requested from the Payroll Department well in advance of taking

the leave.

● Unpaid leave must be selected when an employee must take leave, but

does not have any leave days available, or when an employee is not at

work without permission, in which case it will be put through as

Unauthorised Absenteeism. It must be specified in the “Reason for leave”

section whether this was planned unpaid leave or unauthorised unpaid


● Other leave must be selected when an employee takes time off for

overtime that was worked with pre-approval, when time is given off by

management, when taking time off after doing standby, working at the

mortuary, etc. When time is being taken off for working on a Public

Holiday during the week, the same number of hours that were worked are

to be taken off. For example, if the employee worked from 08:00 to 13:00

on a weekday holiday, they are only allowed to take 5 hours off for that

time worked.

o Type of leave (2)

▪ This must only be completed when an employee takes two different types of

leave continuously, for example, if the employee takes Compassionate Leave for

the first three days of the week and annual leave for the remainder of the week.

o No. of days

▪ This indicates the number of workdays that the employee is applying to taken

leave on

o First Day

▪ This is the first day that the employee will not be at work, therefore, the first day of


o Last Day

▪ This is the last day that the employee will not be at work, therefore, the last day of

leave. This is not the day that the employee returns to work.

o Reason for leave (Example, “I worked on the 16 June Holiday”)

▪ The reason why leave is being taken should be completed. This is especially

important when any other leave than annual leave is being taken or when the

employee is applying for leave on short notice.

o File upload

▪ Any supporting documentation must be uploaded in this section. This includes

doctor’s letters in case of sick leave, death certificates in case of compassionate

leave, signed letter from manager/supervisor for other leave for overtime worked,


▪ Leave applications that do not have supporting documentation and where

supporting documentation is not received within one week of the employee’s return

from leave, will automatically be changed to annual leave, regardless of the type of

leave that was applied for. It is the employee’s own responsibility to ensure that

supporting documentation reaches the Payroll Department in a timely manner.

2.3. Date Applied

● The date on which the application is completed will automatically be filled in with the current date.

2.4. Employee Signature

● The leave form needs to be signed off by the employee with the employee’s own signature. A written name or X will not be accepted as a signature.

2.5. Supervisor Permission

● Supervisor name (example, Jane Doe)

o The name and surname of the supervisor or manager is to be completed in full.

● Email address (example,

o The correct email address for the supervisor or manager must be completed in

full. This is the email address to which the leave application will be sent and the

email address to which the confirmation will be sent when the leave is either

approved or denied.

● Supervisor signature

o If a supervisor/manager is not present when an employee applies for leave, this

block should be left completely empty. An employee is not allowed to complete

this block on behalf of the supervisor/manager. This includes writing a

supervisor/manager’s name in the signature block – it is not allowed. o If a

supervisor/manager signed the leave form, the Payroll Department will assume that

the supervisor/manager has approved the application.

o If a manager/supervisor did not sign the leave application, the

manager/supervisor must reply to the application email that has been received by

them (See Addendum 1 below) within 48 hours of receipt. If no reply email has been

received within 48 hours of the application, the Payroll Department will assume that

the leave has been denied and the application will be rejected. Whatsapp

messages will not be accepted as approval or denial of applications. No reply is

necessary where the supervisor/ manager signed off on the leave application.


● Feedback on the application will be sent to both the applicant and the supervisor/manager automatically as soon as it is approved or denied by the Payroll Department.

● Employees are not allowed to go on leave if a response from the Payroll Department has not been received yet.

Compiled by: Daniëlle Venter (Payroll Manager)

Checked by: Freek Engelbrecht (HR Manager)

Approved by: Maatje Venter (Director)


HR Department

Wisani & NLA


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