24 January 2024
Reason for Memorandum: In accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act), which all staff members have signed and committed to adhere to, it has come to the attention of management that there have been instances of unauthorised sharing of personal contact details of both colleagues and management. This also applies to personal information of our clients The POPI Act mandates the safeguarding of personal information and prohibits the unauthorised disclosure of such information. This includes but is not limited to phone numbers and email addresses.
The Act is in place to ensure the privacy and protection of individuals and their personal details. It has also been noted that false information, particularly related to management, is being shared on social media platforms. Such actions are not only a breach of the company's code of conduct but may also have legal implications.
Guidelines and Consequences:
1. Sharing Personal Information: Any sharing of personal contact details, be it through electronic means or otherwise, without explicit consent is strictly prohibited. This includes the sharing of phone numbers and email addresses of colleagues, management or clients.
2. Social Media Conduct: Posting false/privileged information about colleagues or management on social media platforms, without their consent or authorisation or linking them to job-related matters, is not allowed.
Consequences for Transgressions: Any transgressions of the above mentioned policies will be subject to strict disciplinary actions.
It is imperative for all staff members to recognise the severity of such actions and their potential consequences. We remind everyone that maintaining a culture of trust and respect is fundamental to our workplace environment.
In conclusion, we urge all staff members to be vigilant and cautious in handling personal information. Adhering to the guidelines outlined in the POPI Act is not just a legal obligation but a shared responsibility to maintain a secure and respectful work environment.
Your cooperation in this matter is expected and appreciated.
Reference to POPIA Policy On Staff portal: https://www.staff.wisani.co.za/post/popia-policy
On Google Drive: https://shorturl.at/enoEI
Memorandum issued 14 July 2022: https://shorturl.at/wBDF2
HR Department
Wisani & NLA
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