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Memo : Procedure for Correcting Manual Receipt Errors

7 December 2023



It has come to our attention that there have been instances of manual receipt entries being recorded in the wrong book. To address this issue and ensure accurate record-keeping, please follow the outlined procedure for correcting such errors.


  • Notify the designated Cash Control Officer (Marlize for Offices and Philisters for Paypoints) via email of the error manual receipt. (This email should also be part of your daily Cashup sent to Marlize and Philisters) This email should include a detailed explanation of what happened and a legible copy of the manual receipt.

  • Once the corrections has been approved, it will be captured on POL360 by a Cash Control Officer.

Should you have any questions or need further clarification on this procedure, please do not hesitate to reach out to Annelize (Cash Control Office - Head Office Tzaneen)


Annelize Rossouw

Cash Control Office - Manager

Wisani & NLA


Download this memo here:

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