21 December 2023
An URGENT request to all branches to check/verify/confirm ALL identification numbers on policies. If a client comes into a branch please go into the policy on the system and check ALL the ID numbers on the policy while the client is in front of you. If there are incomplete ID numbers, please request it from the client.
We have a lot of invalid ID/incomplete ID numbers on clients policies, we have to get the correct/full/valid ID numbers for ALL members on policies.
A Date of Birth on a policy is NOT valid - we need the FULL ID number for ALL members on policies. We are required by law to obtain, verify and confirm identification numbers to comply with regulations and in various processes in our company.
It is COMPULSORY to use the Client info Update forms so that we can get the correct information of our clients.
Please take this as a clear instruction from the Admin Department.
Hanli Nel
Admin Manager
Wisani & NLA
Download this memo here: