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Memo: Fuel Orders (generators and other equipment)

9 June 2023


Reason for Memorandum:

This memorandum is being issued to clarify new procedures for ordering/buying fuel

for generators and other equipment e.g. band generators, bush cutters etc.


Please note the following arrangements regarding purchase orders for fuel/diesel:

For generators at NLA premises, Head office, Tzaneen Plot and Simba, PLK

industrial & Dalmada Plot:

  • Send an email to the fleet office in advance for a purchase order:

  • Fleet Office will generate the order and e-mail it back to you.

  • You can then print and give it to the driver to go and collect the fuel.


For all OTHER generators and equipment:

  • Follow the normal/current procedures in place i.e., cash card purchases through your supervisor. (e.g Russel, Alida etc)

  • Call the supervisor in advance to ensure the person collecting the order don't have to stand around waiting for the order OR

  • Ask them to email it to you directly (preventing drivers to drive around excessively) 

Always make sure that you arrange in ADVANCE with the person generating the

purchase order and do NOT send the drivers up and down for orders and fuel as it is

a waste of company vehicle fuel to drive around for no reason.

Download this memo here:

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