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Memo: After Hours Staff Transportation

20 September 2024


This policy has been introduced for fuel-saving purposes, to prevent the misuse

of company vehicles, and to reduce the risk of accidents when driving after


Effective immediately, the following arrangements regarding after-hours travel for

staff returning late from assignments/jobs is implemented.

1. No After-Hours Travel: Staff members returning late from an assignment/job

are prohibited from being transported home after hours without authorization.

2. Authorization Requirement: After-hours travel can only occur with explicit

authorization from the Directors or Mr. Webb.

3. Overnight Stay Requirement: Any staff member returning to the base after

hours must stay overnight on the premises. This requirement applies

specifically to granite installers.

4. Procedure for Authorization: Authorization for any after-hours trip must be

communicated and documented on the Control Room WhatsApp group.

The message should include:

a. Driver's name

b. Destination and purpose of transport

c. Name(s) of staff member(s) traveling

d. Reason for the delay in returning

We ask for your full cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,





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