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Health, Safety, Environment & Quality Policy

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

POL026 | 1 June 2023


Wisani Burial Society is committed to managing SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality) issues as an integral part of our business in compliance with national laws, regulations, and international standards. In particular, it is our policy to assure the SHEQ integrity of our processes and facilities at all times. We will carry out our intent by adhering to the following principles:


Wisani Burial Society will comply with all laws, guidelines, and regulations applicable to its business and activities and will implement programs, standards, procedures, and training to ensure employee compliance. Measuring and monitoring will be performed to ensure sustainability in all areas of the business activities. Compliance with SHEQ standards will be the basis of the training and performance measurements of all employees and will be foremost in audits and reviews.


Wisani Burial Society will seek opportunities beyond regulatory compliance requirements by continuously reducing risk to the health and safety of our employees, the surrounding community, and the environment. Company SHEQ standards will be based on our policy and the risk impacts of our business activities. Wisani Burial Society will employ management systems and standards specifically designed to prevent activities and/or conditions that pose a threat to SHEQ. We will provide safe and hygienic working conditions and ensure that our employees remain healthy. We will ensure that we are well-prepared for all emergencies.

Wisani Burial Society will strive to minimize pollution emissions into the air, land or water through the safe use of chemicals/hazardous materials and will employ cleaner technologies. We will minimize the quantity and toxicity of waste generated and will ensure the safe treatment and disposal thereof. We will implement, sustain and ensure continuous recycling of waste wherever possible. Wisani Burial Society will manage scarce resources, such as water, energy, and land in a responsible manner.


Wisani Burial Society will communicate our commitment to SHEQ quality and to our environmental performance to all our employees, vendors, contractors, customers and the surrounding community. Wisani Burial Society will solicit their input in meeting our SHEQ goals and in turn will offer assistance in meeting their goals; and where possible assist in their SHEQ compliance.


Wisani Burial Society will set objectives and targets for continuous improvement and will measure the SHEQ progress of the company and review that progress annually. Wisani Burial Society will continuously seek opportunities to improve our SHEQ performance and the development of our employees. Wisani Burial Society shall ensure that updating of legal requirements is managed and sustained.




“This information is proprietary to Wisani Burial Society, is strictly confidential and may only be used for the purpose for which it has been provided.

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