POL055 | 1 June 2023
Policy on Prevention and Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
In order to achieve minimum MSD in the workplace it is imperative for everyone to buy into the Ergonomics policy of the company.
It will take time to consult, train and audit this and ensure that the ongoing process is not sidelined as a non essential function.
In this instance the following will be implemented in a phased in approach, starting with head office as a pilot project and then phasing in high risk areas of the business.
The dedicated persons responsible for the risk assessment and training of the staff will need to:
Assess the risk of each individual workstation
Height of the desk / table
Adjustability of chairs
Lumbar support in chair
Stability of the chair
Computer screen in relation to natural light and artificial light reflection
Screen angle to work person
Keyboard suitability
Mouse suitability and usage thereof
Availability of services
Ensuring that the risk assessments are recorded and signed off;
Ensuring that staff members are made aware that eye and eyesight tests are available to those staff working at computer workstations; and
Providing training to staff in the use of their computer workstation and providing information on how their work activities can be planned to allow for periodic interruptions by breaks or changes of activity which reduce time spent using display screen equipment.
We will ensure that useful resources are identified and put in place.
We will ensure that where new computer workstations are introduced, risk assessments will be carried out.
Policy for Work Activities with Increased Risk of Upper Limb Disorders (ULDs)
There is a need to look at every person in the company who may be doing repetitive tasks and who are handling the pickup of different sizes and weights during the course of their work.
Each person will have a ULD’s complaint during the work period, this being from either taking a shortcut or not being trained properly on how to lift things.
It will then be up to management to decide who, when and where will the audits be done to ensure enforcement and ongoing training to ensure compliance with these types of jobs.
Availability of services
We are committed to implementing measures to comply with regulatory requirements through:
• Consultation with staff during the risk assessment;
• Completion of task-specific risk assessments;
• Implementation of control measures;
• Providing safe systems of work plans (SSWPs) where required;
• Providing training to staff which is specific to the work tasks on site and which incorporates the results of the risk assessment; and
• Ensuring that staff members follow instruction through regular supervision.
We will ensure that resources are put in place to ensure that the measures above are implemented and we will consult with staff as part of the implementation.
We will ensure that where new work practices are introduced, risk assessments will be carried out to address potential hazards.
Information to refer to in a policy on management of MSDs in the workplace
A policy on the management of MSDs must include the following:
Prompt reporting of an accident
Prompt investigation of an accident and implementation of corrective actions
Appropriate documentation of all accident investigations
Retention of staff at work
Communication between the employee and employer
Access to professional or other advice to help staff
Planning and undertaking workplace adjustments
Preparing retention at work or early return to work plan
Prevention and Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
The employee is working at the mortuary where corpses are delivered, and later placed in coffins to go to the funeral
The weight varies
The employee has to lift a corpse from the trolley into the refrigeration room
The employee has to work below knee height when lifting onto a fridge trolley
This can cause the lifting of the corpse in a confined space which results in the person lifting with their back instead of their knees and legs.
This causes strain on the lumbar part of the back and after continued abuse MSD’s is severe
The physical effort can involve a twisting movement of the trunk
The load is positioned in a manner requiring it to be held with a bending of the trunk
The work environment prevents the handling of loads at a safe height
The activity requires over-frequent or over-prolonged physical effort involving the spine
Training on how to lift corpses and coffins with use of knees and legs will have a long term health result for the staff member
Ensure that this task is carried out with a minimum of 02 persons to lower the risk factor of an injury
Ensure there is always enough space to carry out the task at hand
If this is not possible due to structure of the mortuary solutions need to be developed to change this for the benefit of staff health
Reviews on this policy should be done on a bi-weekly basis to ensure compliance and to get feedback on the feasibility of the process.
Task description: How is the task carried out?
Collect technical information: What are the technical details of the task?
Identify the risk factors: What are the problems/risks?
Identify the improvements to be put in place: What improvements can be made (actions that can be taken to avoid/reduce handling)?
Review the effectiveness of the improvements: Are the improvements effective?
Safe System of Work Plan for Manual Handling.
This safe system of work summarises the instructions to be followed in order to move heavy weights in a safe manner.
Key Requirements:
Appropriate trolley available and staff instructed in safe use.
Staff received appropriate manual handling training and instruction.
The height at which things need to be placed during manual handling
What is being delivered that needs to be picked up and stored and at what height?
Assess if you can carry out the task on your own or if you need assistance to do so safely
Pick item up using knees and legs
Straighten up and walk to where you need item to be placed
Again use knees and legs to put item down
If the item has to go on a rack or shelf ensure you are not lifting items above your chest
If so you will need a small stepladder to assist with the height
Don’t take a short cut you will injure yourself
Don’t be afraid to ask for help; it cuts out injuries in the workplace.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Risk Assessment Worksheet
Name of the Employee: Date:
Employee Job Description:
Name of the Risk Assessor:
Risk Assessment Form for Individual Computer Work Station
Separate base for screen or an adjustable table provided
Space in front of the keyboard
Screen can swivel and tilt easily and freely
Keyboard tiltable and separate from the screen
Document holder stable, adjustable and positioned appropriately instability, contrast and brightness adjustable
Keyboard with matt surface. Keyboard arrangements and characteristics of the keys suitable symbols on keys are legible and contrasted arrangements
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Risk Assessment Worksheet
Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Corrective Actions:
Employee’s Signature: Date:
Example of findings:
Seat back adjustable in both height and tilt comfortable position
Satisfactory lighting conditions/ contrast between screen and background/ prevention of disturbing glare through correct position of light source
Seat adjustable in height
Workstation provides space for user to change position and vary movements
Adequate level of humidity/no excess heat at work station
Work chair stable and allows freedom of movement
Footrest should be made available where required
Sources of light at workstation managed to reduce direct glare/distracting windows
Risk Assessment for Work Activities which may increase the Risk of Upper Limb Disorders (ULDs)
The employee has to assemble coffins
The employee has to put together various parts of the coffin that have been cut
Both sides of the body are involved in this.
The task is repeated.
The employee performs the task without a break for 1 hour, and for 3.7 hours in a typical day or shift (excluding breaks).
The employee performs the task daily, repetitive work.
Due to the continuous delivery of product the employee’s arms are moving almost continually.
The average production rate is 05 times per day.
The employee adopts awkward/poor working postures of the head/neck during the task.
The employee’s back is in a neutral, straight position with no significant leaning, twisting or stooping.
There are 60 minutes of continuous work before taking a break.
Implement job rotation to non-repetitive tasks to minimise the employee’s exposure to the risks involved with this task.
Improve staff posture:
One of the key issues with this task is the employee's hand posture.
A more appropriate seat design which will provide back support could be considered.
Training the operators in postural awareness and providing a system for early reporting of any ULD symptoms could also be considered.
Consider the cost-benefit option of other systems of work for part of the process.
All improvements implemented in full
Internal audit form for musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) prevention and management in the workplace
Name of Organisation:
Area being audited:
Name(s) of Auditor: Date:
Policy on prevention and Management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace
Manual Handling
Do you have a policy on manual handling?
Does it explain the main manual handling operations that take place in the workplace?
Does it refer to the manual handling of load regulation and summarise the key requirements?
Does it outline how the organisation will meet the requirements set out in the regulation?
Does it explain that staff will be consulted during the risk assessment process?
Does it refer to the need for manual handling training programs to be specific to the work tasks completed, and take account of the risk assessment outcomes and/or Safe System of Work Plans (SSWPs)? Note: This training should be provided by a competent trainer.
Does it refer to the arrangements required for supervision of handling practices?
Internal Audit Form
Policy on prevention and Management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace
Does it identify useful resources that may be required to manage the risk(s) of manual handling?
Does it refer to the monitoring and review processes in place to flag the need for new risk assessments?
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Do you have a policy on DSE?
Does it explain the main DSE operations that take place in the workplace?
Does it refer to the DSE regulation?
Does it outline how the organisation will meet the requirements set out in the regulation?
Does it outline that consultation with staff will take place, and that risk assessments will be recorded and signed off by employees and assessor?
Does it state that the assessor who conducts the DSE risk assessments of employees’ workstations must understand the requirements set out in the DSE regulation?
Does it identify useful resources that may be required to manage the risk(s) of DSE?
Policy on prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace
Does it refer to the monitoring and review processes in place?
Work activities which may increase the risk of upper limb disorders (ULDs)
Do you have a policy to address work activities which may increase the risk of ULDs?
Does it explain the main activities that take place in the workplace, and the fact that some of these activities may increase the risk of ULDs?
Does it refer to the legislative framework around the management of work activities which may increase the risk of ULDs?
Does it outline how the organisation will meet the requirements set out in legislation?
Does it refer to the need for a training programme to be specific to the actual work tasks completed, and to take account of the risk assessment outcomes and/or SSWPs?
Does it refer to the arrangements required for supervision of staff in order to facilitate the transfer of instruction into the workplace and ensure compliance?
Policy on prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace
Does it identify useful resources which may be required to manage the risk(s) of ULDs?
Does it refer to the monitoring and review processes in place?
Management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
Do you have a policy to address the management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)?
Does it refer to the need for prompt reporting of an accident?
Does it refer to the need for prompt investigation of an accident?
Does it refer to the need for appropriate documentation of all accident investigations?
Does it refer to the need for retention of staff at work?
Does it refer to the need for communication between the employee and employer?
Does it refer to the need for planning and undertaking workplace adjustments?
Does it refer to the need to prepare for retention at work or early return to work plan?
Risk Assessments and Systems of Work Plans (SSWPs)
Manual Handling
Is there a system in place to identify and prioritise the key manual handling tasks that need to be assessed?
Is there evidence that a manual handling risk assessment process is being used to assess tasks?
Is there evidence that staff members are consulted as part of the risk assessment process?
Is there evidence that technical information on tasks is being collected?
Is there evidence that risk factors for a particular task are identified with supporting evidence?
Is there evidence that control measures for a particular task are identified?
Is there evidence that the control measures are formalised appropriately through the use of SSWPs or other means?
Do the SSWPs give clear instruction on how tasks should be performed to avoid or reduce the risk of injury?
Is there evidence of a review process in place to update and revise risk assessments as necessary?
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Is there evidence that assessors have been trained to be able to carry out workstation assessments?
Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work Plans (SSWPs)
Is there evidence that there is a risk assessment process in place to assess DSE workstations?
Is there evidence that assessors are assessing individual DSE workstations?
Is there evidence that staff members are consulted as part of the risk assessment process?
Is there evidence that the risk assessments are being completed correctly (i.e. detailed observation of employees at the computer workstation and documentation of issues that may need to be addressed)?
Is there evidence that control measures are identified, recorded and implemented?
Work activities which may increase the risk of upper limb disorders (ULDs)
Is there a system in place to identify and prioritise the key activities which may increase the risk of ULDs?
Is there evidence that there is a ULD risk assessment process being used to assess tasks?
Is there evidence that staff members are consulted as part of the risk assessment process?
Is there evidence that technical information on tasks is being collected?
Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work Plans (SSWPs)
Is there evidence that risk factors for a particular task are identified with supporting evidence?
Is there evidence that control measures are formalised appropriately through the use of SSWPs or other means?
Do the SSWPs give clear instruction on how tasks should be performed to avoid or reduce the risk of injury?
Is there evidence of a review process in place to update and revise risk assessments as necessary?
Manual Handling
Is there evidence that training is being provided for staff by an Instructor
Is there evidence that training is provided by a competent instructor?
Is there evidence that training relates to site specific work activities?
Is there evidence that training includes the communication of the results of risk assessments and instruction in the resulting control measures and/or SSWPs that are to be followed?
Is there evidence that training includes instruction in the safe use of equipment?
Is there evidence that skills taught in training are supported and supervised in the workplace?
Is there a system in place to ensure that training is kept up to date and reviewed?
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Is there evidence that training is provided to staff on the requirements under the DSE regulation?
Is there an explanation given on the key components that make up a DSE computer workstation? And is there evidence that the training gives instruction on using a workstation appropriately? Is there evidence that training gives instruction on the risk assessment process?
Is there evidence that the training gives instruction on upper limb disorders and other associated MSD risk factors?
Is there evidence that training gives instruction on planning work activity to allow for periodic interruptions by breaks or changes in work activity?
Is there evidence that training gives advice on the availability of eye/eyesight tests?
Is there a system in place to ensure that training is kept up to date and reviewed?
Work activities which may increase the risk of upper limb disorders (ULDs)
Is there evidence that training is provided to staff on the legislative requirements of work activities which may increase the risk of ULDs?
Is there evidence that the training provided to staff is relevant to the site-specific ULD hazards in the work environment?
Is there evidence that training includes instruction in the safe use of equipment?
Is there evidence that training is provided to staff on ULD risk factors and the potential symptoms?
Is there evidence that training provided to staff explains the system for early reporting of symptoms?
Is there evidence that training provided to staff gives clear instruction on the control measures and/or SSWPs that are to be followed?
Is there evidence that training is supported and supervised in the workplace?
Is there a system in place to ensure that training is kept up to date and reviewed?
Accident and near miss
Reporting and investigation
Is there a system in place to ensure that accidents/near misses are reported in a timely manner?
Is there a system in place to ensure that accidents/near misses are investigated by a person with the necessary skills and experience?
Is there a system in place to ensure that appropriate information is collected during the accident/near miss investigation?
Is there a system in place to ensure that the contributing factors and systems failures are identified as part of an investigation?
Is there a system in place to ensure that the contributing factors and corrective actions are identified in the investigation report?
Is there evidence that accident/near miss reports are documented?
Is there evidence that accident/near miss investigations are documented and reviewed as necessary?
Injury Management (Retention, Rehabilitation and return to work)
Is there evidence of an injury management (retention, rehabilitation and return to work) policy?
Is there a system in place to record sickness absence and flag when a person is off work as a result of musculoskeletal injury or illness?
Is a service provided to staff to allow them to access medical advice or treatment when they are off work due to a musculoskeletal injury or illness?
Is there a system in place to allow early contact and on-going communication with an employee when they are off work?
Is there a system in place to allow for planning and undertaking workplace adjustments to allow for an early return to work?
Is there a system in place to ensure that a retention or return to work plan is put into place?
Action Summary of Findings Date of Completion
Auditor(s) Signature:
Management Signature: Date:
Comments / recommendations:
Written by Robin Tapinos (OHS Consultant contracted by Wisani Burial Society)
“This information is proprietary to Wisani Burial Society, is strictly confidential and may only be used for the purpose for which it has been provided
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