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Electronic Communications Policy

Updated: Jul 11, 2023


This policy describes WISANI BURIAL SOCIETY’s guidelines with regard to:-

1.1 use of company owned or sponsored personal computers, laptops, notebooks, and related hardware and company owned software;

1.2 access to and disclosure of electronic mail messages sent or received by employees or contractors of the company with use of the Wisani Burial Society e-mail system.

Management's Right to Access Information

Wisani Burial Society respects the individual privacy of its employees. However, employee privacy does not extend to the employee's work-related conduct or to the use of Company-provided equipment or supplies. You should be aware that the following guidelines may affect your privacy in the workplace.

The electronic mail system has been installed by Wisani Burial Society to facilitate business communications. Although each employee has an individual password to access this system, it belongs to the Company and the contents of e-mail communications are accessible at all times by Wisani Burial Society management for any business purpose. These systems may be subject to periodic unannounced inspections, and should be treated like other shared filing systems. All system passwords and encryption keys must be available to Company management, and you may not use passwords that are unknown to your IT supervisor or install encryption programs without turning over encryption keys to your supervisor. All e-mail messages are Company records. The contents of e-mail, properly obtained for legitimate business purposes, may be disclosed within the Company without your permission. Therefore, you should not assume that messages are confidential. Back-up copies of e-mail may be maintained and referenced for business and legal reasons.

Personal Use of E-Mail and Internet Facilities

Because Wisani Burial Society provides the electronic mail and internet system to assist you in the performance of your job, you should use it for official Company business. Incidental and occasional personal use of e-mail is permitted by Wisani Burial Society, but these messages will be treated the same as other messages. Wisani Burial Society reserves the right to access and disclose as necessary all messages sent over its e-mail system, without regard to content. Since your personal messages can be accessed by IT management without prior notice, you should not use e-mail to transmit any messages you would not want read by a third party. For example, you should not use the Wisani Burial Society e-mail for gossip, including personal information about yourself or others, for forwarding messages under circumstances likely to embarrass the sender, or for emotional responses to business correspondence or work situations. In any event, you should not use these systems for such purposes as soliciting or proselytizing for commercial ventures, religious or personal causes or outside organizations or other similar, non-job-related solicitations. If Wisani Burial Society discovers that you are misusing the e-mail system, you will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal.

Forbidden Content of E-Mail Communications or Internet

You may not use Wisani Burial Society e-mail or internet system in any way that may be seen as insulting, disruptive, or offensive by other persons, or harmful to morale. Examples of forbidden transmissions, software, programs or websites include sexually-explicit messages, cartoons, or jokes; unwelcome propositions or love letters; ethnic or racial slurs; or any other message that can be regarded as harassment of others based on, inter alia, their sex, race, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or religious or political beliefs. Use of the Company-provided electronic communication systems in violation of this guideline will result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal.

Password and Encryption Key Security and Integrity

Employees, other than designated IT Supervisor, are prohibited from the unauthorized use of the passwords and encryption keys of other employees to gain access to the other employee's e-mail messages.

Corporate Policy Guideline

  • Acceptable uses of the Internet and company e-mail

The company provided Internet and e-mail access is intended to be for business use only. The company encourages the use of e-mail because they make communication more efficient and effective. However, Internet services and e-mail are company property, and their purpose is to facilitate company business. Every staff member has a responsibility to maintain and enhance the company's public image and to use company e-mail and access to the Internet in a productive manner. To ensure that all employees are responsible, the following guidelines have been established for using e-mail and the Internet. Any improper use of the Internet or e-mail is not acceptable and will not be permitted.

  • Unacceptable uses of the Internet and company e-mail

The company e-mail and Internet access may not be used for transmitting, retrieving or storage of any communications of a discriminatory or harassing nature or materials that are obscene or X-rated. Harassment of any kind is prohibited. No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks about an individual's race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual preference shall be transmitted. No abusive, profane or offensive language is to be transmitted through the company's e-mail or Internet system. Electronic media may also not be used for any other purpose which is illegal or against company policy or contrary to the company's best interest. Solicitation of non-company business or any use of the company e-mail or Internet for personal gain is prohibited.

  • Communications

Each employee is responsible for the content of all text, audio, programs or images that they put on, retrieve or send over the company's e-mail/Internet system. No e-mail or other electronic communications may be sent which hides the identity of the sender or represents the sender as someone else or someone from another company. All messages communicated on the company's e-mail/Internet system should contain the employee's name.

Any messages or information sent by an employee to another individual outside of the company via an electronic network (e.g., bulletin board, online service or Internet) are statements that reflect on the company. While some users include personal "disclaimers" in electronic messages, there is still a connection to the company, and the statements may be tied to the company.

All communications sent by employees via the company's e-mail/Internet system must comply with this and other company policies and may not disclose any confidential or proprietary company information.

  • Software

To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the company's e-mail/Internet system, there will be no unauthorized downloading of any unauthorized software. All software downloaded must be registered to the company. Employees should contact the designated IT Supervisor if they have any questions.

  • Copyright Issues

Copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than Wisani Burial Society may not be transmitted by employees on the company's e-mail/Internet system. All employees obtaining access to other companies' or individuals' materials must respect all copyrights and may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, except with permission of the designated IT Supervisor. Failure to observe copyright or license agreements may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

  • Security

The company routinely monitors usage patterns for its e-mail/Internet communications. The reasons for this monitoring are many, including cost analysis/allocation and the management of the company's gateway to the Internet. All messages created, sent, or retrieved over the company's e-mail/Internet are the property of the company and should be considered public information. The company reserves the right to access and monitor all messages and files on the company's e-mail/Internet system. Employees should not assume electronic communications are totally private and should transmit highly confidential data in other ways.

  • Violations

Any employee, who abuses the privilege of company facilitated access to e-mail or the Internet, will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination. If necessary, the company also reserves the right to advise appropriate legal officials of any illegal violations.

The following general guidelines may be used for the purposes of taking disciplinary action against employees.


​1st Occurrence

​2nd Occurrence

​3rd Occurrence

​4th Occurrence

​Loading illegal software or offensive material onto a company computer

Final Written Warning / Dismissal




​Accessing pornographic or discriminatory material

​Written Warning

​Final Warning



​Changing the configuration of computer hardware or software without proper authorization

​Verbal Warning

​Written Warning

​Final Warning


​Removing a computer, software or hardware from company premises without authorization

​As per the Company’s disciplinary code on theft/unauthorized possession




​Purchasing company computer equipment without proper authorization

​Written Warning

​Final Warning



​Contracting for the development of computer software or related services without proper authorization

​Written Warning

​Final Warning



​Accessing information available on company computers or networks to which you are not properly authorized

​Final Warning

​Dismissal Warning



  • Email Signatures

All email messages are required to have the following standard signature and disclaimer attached to all outgoing messages.

  • Name of Sender

  • Designation of Sender

  • Telephone Number:

  • Facsimile Number:

  • Email address:

"The information contained in this communication is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in reliance of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Wisani Burial Society is neither liable for the proper, complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor any delay in its receipt."

  • Queries and Clarification of Policy

Where an employee is uncertain as to the content of this policy, or requests further clarification issues which are addressed in this policy they are required to contact the designated IT Supervisor for clarification.

  • Virus Protection

All employees are to ensure that their computer is enabled with the Company approved virus protection software. To avoid the transmission of viruses, employees should first scan diskettes or CD-ROM’s for resident viruses prior to accessing information on the diskettes or CD-ROM’s.

Where an employees’ suspects that an email message or an attachment, diskette or CD-ROM may contain a virus he/she is required to contact the designated IT Supervisor.

Use of Personal Computers, Hardware and Related Company Assets

Personal computers, hardware, software and related company assets, must be safeguarded against environmental hazards (dust, excessive heat, damp, lightning etc.) and unauthorized use at all times.

As with other Company assets, no computer hardware or software may be removed from the Company’s premises without authorization from the employee’s supervisor.

Laptops and other moveable computer devices must be locked away or secured when the employee is away from his/her work area. While an employee is away on extended absence from the workplace, not making use of such devices or on leave must be handed to the IT Supervisor for safekeeping.

Purchases of all computer hardware, software, and peripheral hardware must be approved by the employee’s Manager in accordance with Company purchasing procedures.

All computer, hardware and software problems must be reported to the designated IT Supervisor for resolution.

Download the policy here:

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