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Damage to Company Property Policy

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

POL006 | 1 June 2023

The Company has experienced severe losses caused by negligence of employees driving company vehicles. Company vehicles and equipment is one of the major assets of the company. This situation will no longer be tolerated and the following policy is being introduced with immediate effect. This policy will be effective on all company assets including vehicles, equipment, office equipment etc. This policy comes into effect from 1 November 2006

  1. In the event where a company vehicle or equipment is damaged it must be reported immediately via an Incident Form. A copy of this incident form must be forwarded to the HR Department.

  2. A full investigation of the incident must be launched by applicable managers, and a written report must be given to the HR Department including a written quotation from a third party where the precise damage is stipulated.

  3. In the event where the damage was caused due to the negligence of an employee the employee will be held responsible for the damage.

  4. The employee will be requested to sign an Acknowledgement of Debt to authorize the HR department to deduct the amount from the employee’s salary.

  5. In the case of large amounts the amount will be divided in installments. The installments will not exceed 25% of the employee’s salary.

  6. If an employee refuses to accept responsibility for the damage he/she will be charged according to the Company’s disciplinary Code.

  7. The employee will have the opportunity to state his/her case to the chairman of the hearing.

  8. This policy is binding to all employees including part time employees driving company vehicles.

  9. It is the responsibility of all employees to handle company property with care.

  10. Departmental and branch managers are responsible for company assets used in their departments and must therefore ensure that employees under their supervision handle all assets with care.

  11. It is the duty of managers to report damage to company property without any delay.

  12. Failing to adhere to this will lead to disciplinary action against the applicable manager, and if found guilty he/she will be held responsible for the damage to the asset.

  13. It is the duty of all employees to report incidents that they are aware of to management.



This information is proprietary to Wisani Burial Society, is strictly confidential and may only be used for the purpose for which it has been provided.

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