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Conduct and Coordination After Funerals

4 December 2024


It has come to our attention that some drivers rush to leave funeral sites

in a hurry immediately after services are concluded. This behaviour is

unacceptable and not aligned with Wisani Burial Society’s commitment

to providing respectful, dignified, and supportive service to grieving


We remind all drivers and undertakers of the following:

1. Respect for Families:

○ After a funeral service, take a moment to ensure the family

has concluded their proceedings and that they feel

supported until the very end.

○ Hasty departures create an impression of insensitivity and

may cause unnecessary distress.

2. Teamwork and Coordination:

○ Undertakers must ensure that all staff members are working

together effectively to support the family.

○ All aspects of the service, including any post-funeral

logistics, must be attended to before leaving the site.

3. Completion of Duties:

○ Before departing, confirm that the family has been fully

assisted and all necessary tasks have been completed.

○ Drivers and undertakers must communicate to avoid gaps

in service.

Wisani Burial Society is dedicated to providing excellent service to our

clients, and this includes ensuring they feel cared for until the very last

moment. Any deviations from this standard may result in disciplinary


Let us uphold the values and reputation of our society through

consistent and respectful service.

For further clarity, please contact your supervisor.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Marietha Hall

HR Admin Manager

Wisani & NLA


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