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Company Vehicle Policy

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

POL018 | 1 June 2023


This schedule forms part of the job descriptions to all staff members driving Company vehicles. This is to ensure proper use and safety of all fleet vehicles as well as safety of all persons travelling inside these vehicles.


  • The Company's vehicle policy applies to all employees using company vehicles

  • The rules laid out in this policy apply to all employees, workers and contractors.

  • Misconduct in relation to the use and/or abuse of company vehicles will be dealt with in relation to the disciplinary policy.


  1. All drivers must have a valid Route authorization form and complete all relevant administration documents regarding Company vehicles for each trip done

  2. All vehicles must be kept clean at all times - no eating, drinking or smoking in company vehicles

  3. All problems regarding vehicles must be noted on the Route Authorization Form AND reported to the appropriate manager without delay. Also inform the Control room Operator about this problem – VDR (Vehicle Damage Report procedures to be followed with all damages)

    1. Oil, water, tyre pressure, spare wheel checks on vehicles must be done regularly.

    2. If vehicles are damaged due to driver negligence, drivers will be held responsible for damages.

    3. All vehicles must be driven according to manufacturer’s specifications.

  4. Drivers must adhere to all traffic rules - the company will not pay any fines or any traffic offence due to driver’s negligence. This includes parking tickets, not wearing seatbelt, skipping stop streets/robots etc. Drivers will be held responsible, and this could also lead to disciplinary action.

    1. You have no right whatsoever to overtake any vehicle at any time when driving next to a SOLID LINE.

    2. You have no right whatsoever to overtake any vehicle at any certain time when entering a blind spot or hill on a road where you cannot see vehicles coming.

    3. You have no right whatsoever to SPEED. Stick to speed zones as directed by law.

    4. Put on your safety belts

  5. CARTRACK tracking system

    1. All vehicles are monitored 24 hours per day

    2. Reoccurring traffic offences will be dealt with through the disciplinary system of the company.

      1. First offence : Verbal warning which will be confirmed via sms

      2. Second offence : Written warning for 6 months

      3. Third offence : Disciplinary hearing which will result in a Final Written Warning OR dismissal – depending on your previous disciplinary record with the company for serious offences

  6. No unauthorized passengers to be transported in company vehicles. Refer to Transporting of Unauthorized passengers “Ranking” Policy

    1. All passenger names must be noted on the Route authorization form as well as who gave consent – that includes All company employees

    2. You have no right whatsoever to load members of the public inside a Company Vehicle for personal benefits through the form of payment or non-payments by the members of public

  7. The company is not a registered public transport company therefore you are putting the company at risk by loading members of the public inside a company vehicle especially in times of an accident and unauthorized passengers get killed or injured.

  8. Loading people you don’t know puts yourself at risk for hijacking and even getting killed.

  9. You will only load family members who are receiving a service for the company for a funeral at their house to the graveyard and back from the graveyard to their home.

  10. You can only load members of the public with full written authorisation from the directors in person.

  11. Misuse and abuse of company vehicles and fuel is strictly forbidden.

This could lead to disciplinary action and dismissal.

  1. You start the vehicle with a correct route authorisation from point A and you stop at point B. Only stop allowed will be for petrol refill at authorized petrol stations.

    1. To keep the kilos on vehicles as low as possible! Each and every kilo on that vehicles clock means that the vehicle is getting older slowly but surely and getting a RISK for the company

    2. To maintain and repair vehicles with high kilos is a huge expense for the company but by keeping kilos as low as possible means protection against high workshop maintenance on vehicles and good money return from the bank when we replace that vehicle.

  2. You have no right whatsoever to pull off the road on route to your final destination to load or offload members of the public or personal stuff at your house or elsewhere.

    1. Pulling off next to roads puts you and your vehicle at risk from getting hit from behind and causing damage to you and the vehicle and most properly to bystanders next to the road.

    2. Damaging tyres because of sharp tar road edges

    3. Also opening up for possible hijacking of the vehicle and putting yourself and your passengers at risk

  3. You will drive in a convoy and stay in your convoy on route to funerals and back from funerals as directed and written on the schedule.

    1. First-of-all for safety and protection for our drivers and our vehicles. A group is less vulnerable than one-one on the road especially for hijacking, speeding, traffic officers and accidents.

    2. One-one driver is a risk for the company for misusing the vehicle and the company’s petrol

    3. A Convoy has a huge impact on the public eye for marketing!!

    4. The colour blocking of the vehicles is there to make our vehicles visible and obviously to use the opportunity on the roads where the vehicles are travelling to market the name of the company

  4. You do not have any permission whatsoever to use a company vehicle to go off route to collect a partner for your personal treats. It is an offence of the Company Rules to use a company vehicle to collect partners or spouses after hours to bring them and treat them at a Company Premises/Property for your personal treat. By doing so you are misusing your rights for personal benefits and therefore charges will be brought against you

    1. Again we are not public transport and by driving unauthorised with a company vehicle are illegal and misusing company petrol for personal benefits is theft.

    2. Drivers need their sleep. If you are busy during the whole night with minimum sleep and physical activities your body will shut down short AFTER the funeral is finish (Your body start to relax once action is over) and on your way back to Tzaneen you can fell asleep and make a accident or just be dangerously tired for normal body function fer Saturday delivery ext.

  5. Petrol cards and orders must be used correctly – only for purposes it is intended for.

  6. Drivers of company vehicles must ensure that the company receives the correct amount of fuel that it pays for.

  7. All info must be given through to the petrol control cell phone when refilling vehicles according to company rules and regulations

  8. No family members are allowed to drive company vehicles.

  9. No vehicle may be used while under the influence of a habit forming substance (Refer to Drug and Alcohol Policy)

    1. You are not allowed to drive with ANY alcohol reading in your bloodstream. If tested the reading must be Zero.

    2. You are not allowed to drive with any drug substance reading in your bloodstream for example DAGGA or COCAINE or any other drugs. Regular urine tests will be conducted by management

  10. All drivers must be in possession of a valid SA driver’s license. Proof must be handed in at head office.

    1. It is your responsibility to drive with the correct and legally issued licence inside the time frame as printed on your license. Renew your licence on time before it expires.

  11. You are obligated to wear a company uniform while driving a company vehicle.

    1. UNIFORMS MEANS A HIGH STANDARD, good quality and reliable service

    2. We only have THREE tools to market ourselves!!

      1. The colour blocking of the vehicles

      2. Our UNIFORMS

      3. And good service at the graveyard

    3. If a company vehicle is visible to the public and a well-dressed Employee steps out of the vehicle immediately you put yourself and the company in the good and professional light!!

  12. Rules using vehicles for Funeral Procedures

    1. Headlights must be on at all times when using a company vehicle – especially when

      1. In convoy procession

      2. Transporting a deceased

      3. On Route to AND Returning from a funeral

    2. Undertaker is in charge of the who funeral to

      1. Ensure that all staff are on duty, correctly dressed and doing what is expected of them.

      2. Ensure the team stay in convoy

      3. Sort out possible problems which may be encountered at or during the funeral

      4. Discuss stop points to drop off reps in advance with all drivers

    3. When driving in convoy – ensure

      1. To keep a safe distance between all vehicles – leave space for other road users to pass if needed.

      2. When dropping off staff next to the road, the whole convoy must pull over and leave together again.

    4. No intimidation tactics will be tolerated

      1. Sexual harassment will be dealt through the disciplinary system - it is a dismissible offence

      2. You cannot request payment for any help given by another employee

Rules regarding to the adherence of speed limits

  1. Bakkies / Paypoint Vehicles which are used during pay points are not to exceed legal speed limits as stipulated on traffic signs - 120km/h on the tar roads and 60km/h on gravel roads where possible,

  2. Hearses, Family Vehicles and Bakkies during delivery and funerals are not to exceed 100km/h on the tar roads and 60km/h on the gravel roads where possible especially when towing a trailer, unless the official traffic sign indicates a lover speed then drivers must comply with traffic signs.

  3. By not adhering to the speed limits set out, personnel are not only overstepping boundaries set up by law which can lead to criminal charges, but are also endangering innocent people lives on the road’s as well as potentially endangering and being negligent with company property.

  4. The company will have no choice but to take disciplinary action against those that are not adhering to these specifications set out by the company. Guilty parties of this type of behavior should know that such irresponsibility can and will lead to immediate dismissal.



This information is proprietary to Wisani Burial Society, is strictly confidential and may only be used for the purpose for which it has been provided.

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