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Clocking System Policy (Time & Attendance)

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

POL004 | 1 June 2023


Time and Attendance systems are used to track and monitor employees when they start and stop work.


It’s a set of rules for employees on how to record working time automatically and to be paid accordingly. No work no pay principle will be applicable.

  • It is the employee’s responsibility at all times to clock for attendance at the workplace.

  • The clocking system is the only proof that an employee attended work for the day.

  • It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that he/she clocks in upon entering and leaving his/her workplace.

  • Further, take note that the electronic clocking system will be the official system in use and manual time and attendance registers will only be applicable in the event of temporary failure.

  • If an employee fails to clock as per procedure the employee will be deemed to be absent and will therefore not be paid for the day.

  • The electronic clocking system is regularly serviced and it is the responsibility of each and every employee to clock for him/herself and no deviation from this procedure will be allowed (no clocking for fellow employees).

  • Clocking must be reasonably be on time for working hours.

  • It is the employee’s responsibility to immediately report any failure or difficulty to clock each day.

  • Any rectifications must be reported to the HR office immediately through the Attendance Rectification Form. (This form must be completed and submitted by the supervisor or managers)



This information is proprietary to Wisani Burial Society, is strictly confidential and may only be used for the purpose for which it has been provided.

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