POL002 | 1 June 2023
As a result of alcohol abuse during weekends and the Employees still being under the influence on Mondays or absent as a result of the abuse, the following Policy will be applicable as of date.
No usage of alcohol is allowed. Zero tolerance will be adhered to even if alcohol was used before starting work.
An Employee that cannot deliver services to the company as a result of alcohol abuse will be suspended for 2 days with no pay.
An Employee will be regarded as under the influence when.
The Employee is caught in the act of using alcohol or drugs during working hours.
The Employee still smells of the substance of the abuse (which will be verified by 2 (two) managers.
If the impression was dominant during the completion of the Alcohol and Drug Checklist.
If the Employee has been tested positive with the breathalyser test or multi drug
Without excluding any department, this policy is of utmost importance for machine operators, factory, staff, and drivers.
Any medication which contains probable alcohol substance must be declared to management in advance.
No Employee may be in possession of any alcohol or illegal drugs on company premises.
Any employee with a substance addiction has the obligation to inform the HR department immediately.
This information is proprietary to Wisani Burial Society, is strictly confidential and may only be used for the purpose for which it has been provided.
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